Infrared Body Wraps are becoming a popular service at spas and salons around the world, and with good reason...

The Infrared Body Wrap is a natural heat theraputic treatment which uses Far Infrared Heat Energy (FIR) that penetrates twice as deep as other heat sources to target toxins and cellulite trapped in pockets below the surface of the skin. Using the bodys natural cooling system, the deep heat treatment stimulates metabolism and helps to reduce cellulite, burn calories, remove stores toxins, increase weight loss and help to contour one’s body. Simutaneously, the deep penetrating heat will help relieve chronic pain, improve joint mobility and increase blood circulation. Unlike traditional body wraps, the Infrared Body Wrap does not use mud or liquids and does not even require you to remove your clothing.

The benefits from an Infrared Body Wrap include:

  • Cellulite reduction in fat loss
  • Boost the immune system and increase metabolism
  • Decrease water clusters and improve the flow of bodily fluids
  • Detoxify the body by releasing tissue bound toxins and wastes
  • Treatment of muscle spasms
  • Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia
  • Encreased bloodflow
  • Menstrual pain relief

What is Infrared Heat Therapy?

Infrared Therapy is defined as the use of “Infrared” as by Infrared lamps or heating pads to relieve pain and increase circulation to a particular area of the body. To better understand Infrared therapy, we have to have a better understanding of what type of Infrared rays we are speaking about. Infrared heat is a form of energy that is produced by the sun. Infrared divides into three Infrared waves: near or close, middle or intermediate, and far or long. Far Infrared waves are safe and used in the Infrared Body Wraps and most other Infrared light used on humans. Infrared light cannot be seen by the human eye, but we know that Infrared is present by feeling the warmth on our skin. When experiencing the Body Wrap, you’ll notice that your body begins to feel like it’s warming from the inside out, and that’s when you begin to detox!


Toxins such as sodium, alcohol, nicotine, cholesterol and carcinogenic heavy metals (Cadmium, Lead, Zinc, and Nickel) accumulate in the body during modern daily life. The body eliminates most toxins naturally by sweating but the process is sometimes slow. Infrared heat therapy stimulates the sweat glands that cleanse and detoxify the skin. The Infrared heat technology simply speeds up the body’s natural process! Because Infrared heats the body from the inside out at about 1 ½ to 2 inches deep into the skin. Infrared Body Wrap encourages detoxification of accumulated toxins and metabolic waste through sweating.

It is important to drink water before and during the Infrared Body Wrap and to replenish electrolytes after using Infrared, because the Infrared Body wrap can help the body rid itself of excess fluids that prevent the body functioning at its optimal levels. Sweating is the natural way for the body to heal and stay healthy. Infrared rays provides a person with a deep sweat and cleansing of the skin because it penetrates at about 1 to 2 inches deep and pushes the toxins out through the sweating process.

Skin Rejuvenation is an after effect of the profuse sweating. Infrared Body Wraps can actually help restore skin to a more youthful appearance. Our bodies are a reservoir of toxins and tend to store these toxins for years, triggering illness. Infrared is thought to be seven times more effective at detoxifying heavy metals and other environmental toxins, as opposed to conventional heat saunas, steam saunas, and mineral wraps. Using the Infrared Body Wrap will allow you a more toxin-free lifestyle.

Heat Therapy for Pain Relief/Muscle Soreness

The deep heat helps peripheral blood vessels to dilate, bringing relief and healing to muscle and soft tissue injuries. Infrared heat reduces soreness on nerve endings and muscle spasms as muscle joints and fibers are heated. Many people who experience Infrared heat penetrating joint, muscles and tissues, also promote better oxygen flow and circulation of blood flow.

Those who suffer from Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromayalgia would benefit from Infrared Heat therapy. In general, all degenerative illness of the acute or chronic inflammation type that support the body’s motion system, improve considerably with Infrared therapy sessions.

“For centuries, healthcare providers have used topical heat to relieve minor aches and pains. But today, we are just beginning to understand the full range of therapeutic benefits that heat offers,” said pain expert Peter Vicente, Ph.D., Past-President of the American Pain Society and Clinical Health Psychologist, River hills Healthcare, Cincinnati, OH.

“Through new clinical research, we have found that heat activates complex neuralgic, vascular and metabolic mechanisms to mediate the transmission of pain signals and effectively provide relief for a variety of pain conditions.”

Researchers find heat therapy is more effective than analgesics for low back pain relief. Low level heat therapy is more effective than over-the-counter oral medications for relieving lower back pain, according to the results of a nationwide study led by a sports medicine researcher at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (Journal Spine). The relaxing effects of the Infrared heat on muscles relieve these symptoms that are so common in our society. Several studies have shown that four out of five adults will suffer from backache at one point in their lives.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Infrared heat therapy loosens the muscles and relaxes the body. It has been studied that Infrared heat helps the body to maintain healthy levels or Cortisol. We have all heard about Cortisol and how it is the number one cause of belly fat. Cortisol is a hormone that is produced by the body and rises when we are stressed out and raises the heart rate and blood pressure leading to the deposit of excessive fat and weight in the midsection. So taking a 30 minute session 3 times a week can help you to relax and reduce the effects of excess Cortisol.

Infrared Body Wrap and Weight Loss

Because Infrared helps to rev up the metabolism and increases blood flow, it only makes sense that when the body is operating in a more optimal manner that it is able to help those who use Infrared Heat to lose weight. By helping the body to burn many calories (up to 1400) per 50 minute Infrared Body Wrap session, it is revving the metabolism with the calorie burn and, therefore, supports the body fat reduction which leads to weight loss.

With obesity on the rise, men and women are trying to find ways to help them with their weight issues. The increased thermolypolytic action of the Infrared Body Wrap works from the deep fat layers to the superficial (dermis) layer. The breakdown of fats into a more liquid form allows the secretion of excess bodily water, toxins, and fat as you perspire.

An Infrared Body Wrap can help with weight loss by simply speeding up the metabolism process of vital organs and can result in substantial calories being used in one Infrared Wrap treatment. Perspiring/Sweating is part of the complex thermoregulatory process of the body that increases the heart rate, cardiac output, and metabolic rate. Fat becomes water soluble at 110 degrees Fahrenheit and then allows the body to sweat out fats and toxins. Infrared Weight Loss is different for everyone.

As every individual is different, fat loss from an Infrared Body Wrap will depend upon the body structure of that person. So the greater the excess weight someone has, the faster and more dramatic results will be seen. Some people may not experience a great weight loss, but will see an improved body appearance by losing inches or dress sizes.

Extremely physically fit people that don’t carry excess weight or inches can experience much improved muscle tone and have a tendency to begin to sweat faster than those who are less active. Because of this, the more physically active a person is, the greater the benefits that can be achieved from an Infrared body wrap. A less active person may take longer to see results as their body must grow accustom to the Infrared Heat Wrap.

Of course if a client who is using an Infrared Body Wrap then eats or drinks excessively, most of the results from the Infrared Body Wrap treatment will be lost and weight regained. Common sense tells us that as with any body treatment or system to help one attain a better physical appearance, one must adjust their nutritional needs. Ideally, Infrared Body Wraps will be most beneficial for those who eat healthy and exercise regularly. Clients that lead a very sedentary lifestyle can still achieve great results, but will require a longer period of time. They must also adjust their exercise and eating habits to obtain their desired results. In our experience using the Infrared Body Wrap on ourselves and on clients provides a body reduction of at least one size in approximately 6 – 10 Infrared body wrap treatments and allowing a 2 to 3 day span between each treatment. Although these are the standard results we have experienced and have seen, results really are different on every person and dependent upon their body type and lifestyle. If you are looking to lose weight, then an Infrared Body Wrap may be the key to your success. It has been shown that a 30 minute session can actually burn up to 600 calories and up to 1400 calories in a 50 minute session. When the body temperature is raised by heat of any kind, our bodies need to cool itself down. In doing so our heart rate increases as well as our metabolic rate, which causes the body to burn calories. Using Infrared is a simple and relaxing treatment to help with those extra pounds many of us are carrying around.

Infrared Heat Therapy Improves the Immune System

Infrared heat will raise your core body temperature, inducing an artificial fever. Fever is the body’s natural mechanism to strengthen and accelerate the immune response, as seen in the case of infection. This enhanced immune system, combined with improved elimination of toxins and wastes via intense sweating, increases your overall health and resistance to disease.

Most illnesses are accompanied by a fever. During a fever, the body heats up to eliminate viruses and attack foreign agents. Often misunderstood, this rise in temperature is a natural stage of the immune system’s healing process and is one of the best ways to rid the body of chemicals and unwelcome visitors. The immune system weakens the hold of the viruses and bacterial growth. FIR (Far Infrared Rays) heat therapy induces an “artificial fever” by heating up the body but without the pains of an illness. Subsequently, the body wards off invading organisms much more easily because the immune system is activated consistently by the “artificial fever”. Recent studies also show that colds and flu-like illnesses are reduced dramatically if treated in the early stages with Infrared heat therapy.

Infrared Heat Therapy can provide the same effects of exercise and Increase Blood Circulation.

The body is also working hard to cool itself down by sweating thus building up the caloric burn and a rise in heart rate which increases blood circulation. The heart receives a workout similar to a 6-mile run in a 50 minute Infrared Heat session and the body perspires the same amount as a 6-mile run. Infrared Heat is perfect for those that do not have time for regular exercise or suffer from injuries that inhibit rigorous activity. Infrared Heat therapy helps the body to carry off metabolic waste products and delivers oxygen-rich blood to oxygen-depleted muscles, so they recover faster. Using the Infrared Body Wrap between workouts is great when you’re just too tired and sore from the gym. You will not only recover from sore muscles but also get a fat burning, calorie burning work out during your wrap all while laying down in your own private room where you can listen to your favorite music or watch TV.

Diminish the Appearance of Cellulite

Cellulite is a common term used to describe superficial pockets of trapped fat, which cause uneven dimpling or “orange peel” skin. Cellulite occurs in the subcutaneous fat layer just beneath your skin. Your skin is connected to the underlying muscle by vertical strands of tissue. The combination of this connective tissue pulling in on your skin and fatty deposits and fibrosis pushing out against your skin, cause the dimpled appearance of cellulite. Since Infrared radiant heat warms three times as deeply as conventional saunas, it is significantly more effective at reducing cellulite.

There is a direct link between the slowing of metabolic rates and the storage of toxins in fat cells. Infrared heat can increase heart rate and localized blood circulation, which essentially reverses the above-mentioned trends towards the accumulation of liquids in the fat cells to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Infrared helps the reduction of cellulite (fatty clogged, water logged tissue), and promotes weight loss by helping to breakdown fat. Obesity and cellulite disorders are totally different. Cellulite is a problem of the fat tissue; whereas, obesity is an accumulation of fat excess.

Diminish the Appearance of Blemishes and Acne

After having an Infrared Treatment you will begin to notice that your skin is becoming clearer and cleaner. You will also notice a difference in the tone of your skin and its elasticity and also the appearance of wrinkles and crow’s feet. The sweat that occurs during the 50-minute session is causing the skin to clean itself. This helps the body to purge impurities clearing the pores and dead skin cells, leaving a clean and clear baby soft feeling to your skin.

Skin Rejuvenation

Dirt, chemicals, and dead cells on the surface of the skin are removed. All of these benefits lead to a softer and firm complexion. Using Infrared improves circulation, cleanses and tones, as well as improves the skin’s elasticity. Infrared body wraps can actually help restore skin to a more youthful appearance. There was a study done by the Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy that showed a significant difference in just 12 weeks with the reduction of wrinkles, fine lines and crow’s feet as well as a toning of the skin such as firmness, elasticity and clarity.


We offering special trial package for new clients, which includes one 50 minutes infrared wrap session.